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Purpose-Led CEO Interview Series: Orlane Panet, Co-Founder and CEO, MicroHabitat

Meet Orlane, Co-Founder & CEO of MicroHabitat, the world's largest urban farming network. With a strong commitment to sustainability, she is motivated to develop a greener future by connecting people with nature and food. Under her leadership, MicroHabitat has brought urban farming to 11 cities, from Alberta to Texas, and is set to expand into the UK, Paris, and Amsterdam by 2025. Her work is transforming cityscapes and inspiring healthier, more sustainable living.

What was your first job and what did you learn from it?

I started as a hostess in a restaurant at 15, where I quickly learned the importance of being agile and resourceful with different types of people. In that environment, you don't always have the backup you need, so staying positive and open-minded is important. The leadership is always trying to find solutions even when they weren't readily available, which pushed me to be creative and become a strong problem-solver.

If you think back on leaders who inspired you in your career or leadership style, who were they and why were they inspiring?

What inspires me most in leaders is their human aspect - being open to criticism, eager to learn, and receptive to different perspectives while staying strong in their vision.

I love this quote from my mom, Silvy Panet-Raymond, who is one of the best leaders I have had in my career, “Fix the problem, leave the human intact.” 

It’s not about throwing punches; it’s about finding a solution and understanding that people have limitations, and we have to work within those parameters.

Two key factors inspired me to start MicroHabitat. First, my family, who were always very grounded on the concept of eating healthy, organic food and raised my awareness of sustainability issues. Second, my co-founder and business partner, Alexandre Ferrari-Roy, was a major influence. A close friend since high school, Alexandre is passionate about the environment and a true visionary. He came up with the concept of MicroHabitat and continues to push us forward, always thinking about our next steps. I'm grateful for his foresight and drive.

My leadership style has been shaped by several inspirational figures. Ron Finley, with his TED talk on creating local food systems and empowering communities, has greatly influenced me. Jean Martin Fortier, a leader in ecological farming, inspires me with his vision of unifying communities around food and bringing back the value to farmers who feed us daily. John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods Market, is another inspiration; his bootstrapped journey and commitment to sustainability resonate with our own path.

What motivates you every day?

My business journey is about creating something far greater than personal gain. We've built a platform that raises awareness of how individuals can benefit themselves, the environment, and local communities. Connecting global corporations with local entities like food banks and charities around shared values of unity, community building, and environmental protection is what drives me every day. The trust and support from global corporations in our mission keeps me going.

What do you want to change in the world and why?

I’d love to see the world change by developing deeper connections between people and their environment. This shift would improve human wellness and rebuild the sense of community between those who feed us - farmers - and the urban population.

Natural spaces are fascinating, even magical, and humans thrive when they connect with them.

I envision cities transforming into beautiful food oases, integrating natural spaces, and rethinking how we use our urban environments to benefit everyone. I also want to see cities adapt to climate change and become more resilient. I don’t see any downside to having more natural spaces and a more local, autonomous food system in urban areas.

What is the purpose and vision of  MicroHabitat? And how has being clear about your purpose and vision benefited you and your company?

The purpose of MicroHabitat is to create a green movement. We want to be proactive and positive: create unification and challenge status quo of how we are operating food production systems in our environment. If we’re not happy with where we’re heading as a society, then we need to be proactive and resilient. We also need to be optimistic because humanity has always proven that we can do great things if we unify.

Our mission is to help businesses, schools and institutions transform the urban environment by cultivating local food and mobilizing city dwellers to live a healthier life.

As a certified B-Corp, it provides a comprehensive service - from setting up and managing urban farms to educating communities on how to get involved.

As for clarity of purpose, for a company to be able to adjust and stay agile, it’s important that the foundation and the ‘why’ are well defined. Our ‘why’ hasn’t changed and it’s about creating a business model that can help communities and the environment. As long as we stay aligned with our mission, we’ll be able to adapt to whatever challenges come our way. We’re working with nature, and since nature is always evolving, we need to create a structure that allows us to evolve alongside it.

What one piece of advice would you give other CEOs and leaders regarding leading with purpose?

Stay true to your values and purpose. You will have multiple opportunities to rethink your business model, but if you stick to the core of what you’re trying to achieve, you will go a long way. Finally, DREAM BIG, don’t limit yourself, and get inspired from others as much as possible.

What one question would you like to ask other purpose-led CEOs?

If you could go back and change one aspect of your business journey, what would it be?

One question from the CEO we interviewed before you, Cynthia Kersey, CEO, Unstoppable Foundation.

What is your purpose and what inspires you? How do you keep your purpose alive within yourself, your employees, and your customers?

As a team, we celebrate our successes together, bringing attention to those who help build the dream. I’m very driven. Whenever I see someone proud of themselves after accomplishing new milestones, it is really impactful for me. What keeps the purpose alive is the impact we create for local communities and the connections we build between those in need and our partners. Everything we do comes back to community building, and when I see the positive change we’re making, that’s what truly resonates with me.



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